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ADE7758 Rev.D Datasheet 1 (for Korean)

Phase Error Between Channels The high-pass filter (HPF) and digital integrator introduce a slight phase mismatch between the current and the voltage channel. The all-digital design ensures that the phase matching between the current channels and voltage channels in all three phases is within ±0.1° over a range of 45 Hz to 65 Hz and ±0.2° over a range of 40 Hz to 1 kHz. This internal phase mismatch can be combined with the external phase error (from current sensor or component tolerance) and calibrated with the phase calibration registers. HPF와 디지탈 적분자는 전류와 전압 채널 사이에서 약간의 상 오차를 가져온다. 모든 디지탈 설계는 45 Hz ~ 65 Hz ±0.2° 범위에 대해 ±0.1° 오차 범위의 3상 모두에서 전류 채널과 전압채널 사이의 상 일치를 확실히 해야 한다. 이러한 내부 상 불일치는 외부 상 오차값과 결합될 수 있고 상 보정 레지스터에 대해 보상될 수 있다. Power Supply Rejection (PSR) This quantifies the ADE7758 measurement error as a percentage of reading when the power supplies are varied. For the ac PSR measurement, a reading at nominal supplies (5 V) is taken. A second reading is obtained with the sam

How can I install / setup / use the samba service on ubuntu / kubuntu ?

#sudo apt-get install samba smbfs #sudo kate /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] workgroup = workgroup dos charset = CP949 display charset = UTF8 unix charset = UTF8 server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu) security = USER socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 dns proxy = no password server = None username map = /etc/samba/smbusers [ShareFolder] comment = my home path = /home/ samba user ID writeable = yes guest ok = no create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755 #sudo smbpasswd -a samba user ID < > #sudo smbpasswd -a snjee New SMB password: Retype new SMB password: startsmbfilepwent_internal: file /etc/samba/smbpasswd did not exist. File successfully created. Added user snjee. If you finish samba setup, you should test the setting values. #sudo testparm Then, you have to restart the samba service. #sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart * Stopping Samba daemons [ OK ] * Starting Samba daemons [ OK ]

네트워크 상의 IP 주소로 MAC 주소를 추출하는 방법

Subject :  How can I get a list of MAC to IP addresses on the network? An easy way to get a list of MAC to IP addresses on the local subnet is to ping every host on the subnet and then check you ARP cache, however pinging every individual node would take ages and the entries only stay in the ARP cache for 2 minutes. 로컬 서브넷 상의 IP 주소에 대한 MAC 주소 목록을 획득하는 쉬운 방법은 서브넷 상의 모든 호스트에게 Ping 을 하고 ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) 캐쉬를 확인하는 것이다.  그러나, 모든 개별 노드에 Ping 하는 것은 많은 시간이 걸릴 것이고 2분동안만 ARP 캐쉬에 체재하면서 들어갈 수 있다. (참고) ARP 캐쉬는 Linux 의 경우 20분, Windows Server 의 경우 2분이 기본적인 Life Time  이다. 그 이후에는 그 데이타가 지워진다. An alternative is to ping the broadcast mask of your subnet which will ping every host on the local subnet (you can't ping the entire network as you only communicate directly with nodes on the same subnet, all other requests are via the gateway so you would just get a ARP entry for the gateway). 로컬 서브넷상의 모든 호스트를 Ping 하게 될 사용자의 서브넷 브로드캐스트 마스크를 Ping 하는 것이 또 다른 방법이다.(동일 서브넷 상의 노드와 직접적으로

VMware tools and shared folders in Unbuntu 9.04 Jaunty

The latest version of Ubuntu does indeed have some sexy new features, new notifications, eucalyptus cloud support. All around a pretty awesome release. In what I will kindly call a fit of nievete, I decided to upgrade the my VM that I have been using for web development. Although the upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 went smoothly, the reinstall of VMware tools failed leaving me without any shared folders. So after a little profanity and a lot of googling I thought I would share what got my shared folders back up and running. First you will want to make sure that you have the headers and other stuff so VMware tools has what it needs to compile everything: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential If you are not running VMware 6.5.2 you will likely be asked where your header files are. 6.5.2 added “experimental” support for Jaunty so it already knows where to look. I was running the server version so my headers were in/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-server/build/include. If you