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10월, 2009의 게시물 표시

VMware tools and shared folders in Unbuntu 9.04 Jaunty

The latest version of Ubuntu does indeed have some sexy new features, new notifications, eucalyptus cloud support. All around a pretty awesome release. In what I will kindly call a fit of nievete, I decided to upgrade the my VM that I have been using for web development. Although the upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 went smoothly, the reinstall of VMware tools failed leaving me without any shared folders. So after a little profanity and a lot of googling I thought I would share what got my shared folders back up and running. First you will want to make sure that you have the headers and other stuff so VMware tools has what it needs to compile everything: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential If you are not running VMware 6.5.2 you will likely be asked where your header files are. 6.5.2 added “experimental” support for Jaunty so it already knows where to look. I was running the server version so my headers were in/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-server/build/include. If you