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2009의 게시물 표시

네트워크 상의 IP 주소로 MAC 주소를 추출하는 방법

Subject :  How can I get a list of MAC to IP addresses on the network? An easy way to get a list of MAC to IP addresses on the local subnet is to ping every host on the subnet and then check you ARP cache, however pinging every individual node would take ages and the entries only stay in the ARP cache for 2 minutes. 로컬 서브넷 상의 IP 주소에 대한 MAC 주소 목록을 획득하는 쉬운 방법은 서브넷 상의 모든 호스트에게 Ping 을 하고 ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) 캐쉬를 확인하는 것이다.  그러나, 모든 개별 노드에 Ping 하는 것은 많은 시간이 걸릴 것이고 2분동안만 ARP 캐쉬에 체재하면서 들어갈 수 있다. (참고) ARP 캐쉬는 Linux 의 경우 20분, Windows Server 의 경우 2분이 기본적인 Life Time  이다. 그 이후에는 그 데이타가 지워진다. An alternative is to ping the broadcast mask of your subnet which will ping every host on the local subnet (you can't ping the entire network as you only communicate directly with nodes on the same subnet, all other requests are via the gateway so you would just get a ARP entry for the gateway). 로컬 서브넷상의 모든 호스트를 Ping 하게 될 사용자의 서브넷 브로드캐스트 마스크를 Ping 하는 것이 또 다른 방법이다.(동일 서브넷 상의 노드와 직접적으로

VMware tools and shared folders in Unbuntu 9.04 Jaunty

The latest version of Ubuntu does indeed have some sexy new features, new notifications, eucalyptus cloud support. All around a pretty awesome release. In what I will kindly call a fit of nievete, I decided to upgrade the my VM that I have been using for web development. Although the upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 went smoothly, the reinstall of VMware tools failed leaving me without any shared folders. So after a little profanity and a lot of googling I thought I would share what got my shared folders back up and running. First you will want to make sure that you have the headers and other stuff so VMware tools has what it needs to compile everything: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential If you are not running VMware 6.5.2 you will likely be asked where your header files are. 6.5.2 added “experimental” support for Jaunty so it already knows where to look. I was running the server version so my headers were in/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-server/build/include. If you

VC++(MFC)에서 ADO와 ADOX를 이용한 MDB 파일 생성 / 연동 / 압축에 관한 모든 것

VC++(MFC)에서 MDB 생성 / 압축 / 연동 □ 개 요 ○ Access로 생성하는 DB 파일인 MDB 파일의 생성과 압축 및 기본 DB연동(데이터의 추가, 삭제, 검색, 수정)에 대한 내용 ○ 다이얼로그 기반의 MFC 프로젝트 상에서 위의 작업들을 수행하는 CDataBase라는 사용자 정의 클래스를 만들고 구현 □ 준비 작업 ○ stdafx.h에 다음을 import 한다. /* DB 사용을 위한 설정*/ #import "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "EndOfFile") /* DB 파일 압축을 위한 설정*/ #import "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msjro.dll" no_namespace /* DB 파일 생성을 위한 설정*/ #import "c:\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\msadox.dll" using namespace ADODB; using namespace ADOX; ※ ADO(msado15.dll) 자체에서는 DB 파일 생성과 압축에 대한 라이브러리가 없기 때문에 각각에 필요한 DLL 파일을 Import 해야 한다. 하지만 ADOX(msadox.dll)와 단순히 같이 Import하면 충돌하기 때문에 서로 namespace를 지정해 준다. 또한 인터넷에 돌아다니는 일부 코드는 msadox.dll를 Import할 때 rename 혹은 no_namespace 옵션을 주곤 하는데 이를 위와 같이 해제한다. ○ 초기화 작업을 수행한다. => 프로젝트의 메인파일 (TestDlg.cpp)의 BOOL CTestDlgAPP::InitInstance()에 다음 내용을 추가 /* Ole 컨트롤의 지원을 위한 작업을 가능하게 함*/ AfxEnableControlContainer(); if (!

Fixing the "Error spawning cmd.exe" Error in Visual Studio

When trying to build a C++ project with Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2(or 2007, 2008), I always get a PRJ0003 error:Error spawning 'cmd.exe' Since I mostly use C# this hasn't been bothering me unduly, particularly since it mainly seems to afflict a custom build action that doesn't appear to be essential for the compilation process... But I finally got around to finding a solution. The first clue was that if I invoked VCBuild.exe from the command line, I could get rid of the problem by using the /useenv command line option. This tells it to use environment variables to get the path to libraries, executable and the like instead of using the configured directories. The fact that it works when using the environment variables, but not when using the configured directories pointed the finger at the configured directories... This config can be found in Visual Studio's Options dialog (off the Tools menu). It's in the Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories page. This t

How to Compile Pidgin with Plugins from Source in Intrepid Ibex

I read about an oppurtunity to compile pidgin from source with video and voice support, so I wanted to try. This is how I proceed: Code: sudo apt-get install build-essential dh-make sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev Installed packages from http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian (added to the sources) Code: sudo apt-get install libgstfarsight0.10-0 libgstfarsight0.10-dev gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight in order to fetch the last revision of pidgin: Code: apt-get install monotone monotone-viz then: Code: DATABASE=/home/user/monotone_databases/pidgin.mtn WORKINGDIR=/home/user/code/pidgin-mtn cd $(dirname $DATABASE) wget http://developer.pidgin.im/static/pidgin.mtn.bz2 bzip2 -d pidgin.mtn.bz2 mtn -d $DATABASE pull --set-default mtn.pidgin.im "im.pidgin.*" I got an error message so: Code: mtn -d $DATABASE db migrate then again: Code: mtn -d $DATABASE pull --set-default mtn.pidgin.im &qu

도스창 (Command Shell)에서 네트워크(Network) 설정 변경

컴퓨터 관리의 네트워크 어댑터에 장치가 인식되어 있는 상태에서, 소프트웨어 오류로 인해 네트워크 연결 창이 뜨지 않는 등 GUI 환경으로 IP 설정이 되지 않는 문제가 발생될 경우, 아래와 같이 조치 합니다. 다음은 예제입니다. C:\Documents and Settings\snjee.KHENG>netsh interface ip set address name="로컬 영역 연결" source=static addr= mask= 위의 명령을 풀이하면, netsh interface ip set address name="[연결이름,일반적으로 로컬 영역 연결로 되어있음]" source=static addr=[변경 또는 설정할 IP 주소] mask=[서브넷 마스크 주소] 입니다. ipconfig 명령으로 변경(설정)된 IP 주소를 확인합니다. C:\Documents and Settings\snjee.KHENG>ipconfig Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter 로컬 영역 연결: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 참고 1. Gateway 변경 netsh interface ip set address name="로컬 영역 연결" gateway= gwmetric=0 참고 2. Primary DNS 변경netsh interface ip set dns name="로컬 영역 연결" source=static addr= register=P

Delete user, remove user on Linux Fedora, using userdel command

T he deluser command can be very useful to remove user account or to delete user account on Linux Fedora machine. The article below show the step by step to remove user or some say to delete user for Linux Fedora machine. Command use: # finger [username] <-- Verify user account on the Linux system # userdel [username] <-- Remove user account from Linux system # userdel -r [username] <-- Delete user account, remove home directory including their files and remove mail spool Verify the existents of user with username john on the system: [root@fedora ~]# finger john Login: john Name: (null) Directory: /home/john Shell: /bin/bash Never logged in. No mail. No Plan. [root@fedora ~]# Remove user account or delete user account. [root@fedora ~]# userdel john [root@fedora ~]# Remove user or delete user account along with their user home directory and user mail spool. [root@fedora ~]# userdel -r john [root@fedora ~]# Verify the user deleted from the system. [root@fedora ~]#

Create extra root user account to your Linux box.

The ‘ root ’ account with user id 0 is the most powerful user in Linux and Unix system. This article show the step by step to create the duplicate root account that have the same privileges as super user root account on the Linux Fedora Core operating system. You may want to make replicate of root user account, or to create more than one user account that have the same capabilities as a ' root ' user (superuser) account. Why, may be for a root backup user account, incase of something happen to the ' root ' user account or may be just for fun :-). To create another root user account, we need to replicate the ' root ' user account characteristic, then make one account that have the same characteristic and capabilities of the ' root ' user account. Let begin by check the ' root ' user account. 1. Check user id for ‘ root ’ user account: [root@fedora ~]# id root uid=0(root) gid=0(root) gro